Poppin’ It Up

When we moved here I was a bit apprehensive to not have a microwave. I do not like them but let’s face it, they are super convenient and if this place would have come with one I never would have given it up. But I guess the years have changed me and I have become just a tad bit stingy, and do not want to spend the money on a microwave of all things.

But I do have this one little weakness, this one thing that I absolutely love to devour…. Popcorn! I have never had popcorn other than from a microwave, but now is the time to change that 🙂 I was given an old fashion stove top popcorn cooker!


Heat it, turn the handle, turn the handle, pop, pop, pop…. Drizzle with some melted butter, sprinkle with a little sea salt…. And voila, the best popcorn I have ever had 🙂 stove top beats the microwave hands down!


Roasted Rooster Red

Another interesting day in our homeschool…

We have lost many a chicken to different circumstances, this time we were about to loose our Roster Red. About a week ago he dislocated one of his wings, we did some research and decided to give a go at trying to bandage him up. Unfortunately he lost all his spirits and became utterly depressed 😦 so we decided to butcher him.

Never having butchered a chicken, rooster or any other animal for that matter (ok maybe a frog when I was a kid), we found ourselves delving into the YouTube archives for guidance. I was not prepared for the emotional charge I felt when life vanished from that animal, I cried like a baby.

As far as it come to homeschooling we had prepared the children for this event. They opted to not participate in the actual butchering… But both were involved in feathering and preparing the rooster for roasting. My husband scooped out the intestines and organs for a study on what kept this rooster alive.

Our daughter surprised me with her active interest in the feathering, her enjoyment in the quality of meet and interest in raising chicken for meet production. Go figure that a six year old can be so inclined to such reasoning. I on the other hand did cook our rooster but definitely was challenged by eating him, which was also the case with out son.


