No Knead Loaf

My version of the No Knead Loaf from a Finnish website

My version of the No Knead Loaf

I recently found this bread recipe from a Finnish women’s magazines website.

What attracted me to it was that it is like a slow cooker bread. There is no time consuming kneading involved, you simply mix the ingredients and let the dough sit for 12-18 hours. And that is great for me! I hardly ever made bread, other than in the bread machine, because I never had the time to knead and comply to the time requirements. Now 12-18 hrs I can work with 🙂

So here is my version of this recipe (I only changed the amounts of different flours used)

No Knead Loaf
1 Loaf
Time: Preparation time 10 minutes + Rising time 12-18hrs + Baking time 50min

4 dl (1 3/4 cups) Unbleached Bread Flour
2 dl (7/8 cup) Whole Wheat Flour
2 dl (7/8 cup) Rye Flour
1 1/2 tsp Fine Sea Salt
4 dl (1 3/4 cups) Cold Water

In a large bowl mix together all of the dry ingredients. Add the water and mix rapidly into a dough, do NOT knead. Cover the bowl with cling wrap and set aside for 12-18 hours. I usually prepare the dough last thing in the evening.

Spread a clean kitchen towel (Finnish: leivinliina) on a countertop and sprinkle a good layer of flour on it. The pour the dough onto the towel. Spread the dough into a level square or rectangle, at the same time pushing out some of the air bubbles. Then lift the edges of the dough sheet toward the center, like you were folding a handkerchief. I simply turn the right side to the center and then fold the left side on top of it. Sprinkle some flour on the dough and wrap the towel loosely around it. If you sprinkle too little flour, the dough will stick to the towel. Let rise for another 2 hours.

Heat your oven to 225C/435F and put a deep sauce pan or a casserole pot inside to heat. You can use any oven proof dish that will hold the bread dough with some room for rising. Once the oven has reached the set temperature take the pot out and pour the dough into it. Don’t freak out about the funky appearances of the dough ball, it’ll look great once it’s done 🙂

Cover with a lid and bake for 30 minutes. Take the lid off and bake for an additional 20 minutes. Once the bread is done, let it cool on a wire rack.
