Sting’s, Bites, Ivies… Autch!

In Finland we don’t have wasps…. I became very familiar with one in Missouri and never would have believed that the sting can cause pain and itchiness for several days!!!

Well, having three kids, I went on a search for a natural remedy to help relieve the discomforts of an unwanted sting. I visited a great store in Springfield MO called Mama Jean’s and they gave me a recipe for a topical paste to apply to the affected area. The bentonite clay will absorb the poison to it’s exterior wall. For more information and additional uses of bentonite clay visit More Than Alive.


Bentonite Clay Powder

Organic Apple Cider Vinegar

You combine the two ingredients to make a paste of similar consistency as toothpaste. I filled a small container and covered the paste with clingwrap, to prevent it from drying. Incase it does dry, you just add some water and apple cider vinegar and you’re good to go.

Now, I got the recipe after I was already with my sufferings with the wasp sting so I don’t have any personal experience with it. Please feel free to let me know how it works for you guys. I did apply it to my legs after exposure to Poison Ivy and didn’t end up getting any…