Garden struggles

Well this is frustrating, we have fungus on our tomatoes due to the extreme humidity and rains, bugs are devouring our kale and our one cucumber resembles a water balloon…

Thankfully we have now come to the end of three days of downpour and once again we can see the sun shining. This was by far the longest stretch of rain during my short stay in Georgia. Otherwise it has been sunny, sunny, sunny and humid, humid, HUMID! So humid that when I hang dry clothes in the direct morning sunshine, they are still damp as the day comes to its end. Not to even mention problems with mold, arghhh…

This requires ingenuity 🙂 So I wouldn’t mind getting some ideas especially for the gardening problems!!!

Lemon verbena, basil, rosemary, oregano are doing amazing, as well as lettuces and jalopeno. So not all hope is lost 🙂

Kid’s Fishing Rodeo

Fishing rodeo at the Vogel State Park. Excited and pumped up, we were ready to cast our little lines into the trout streams and pull out supper 🙂

This all meant an EARLY wake up, autch… Well, it was well worth it!

We drove along the mountain range in awe of its beauty. The morning dew was still lingering on the plants, cloud layers were drifting through the hilltops like a dreamy mist from a fairy tale.

We got to the park with a bunch of other eager little fisher boys and girls 🙂

Ready, Set, FISH!!!

In the end of the day our catch was one trout, two “Gone Fishin'” t-shirts, and new fishing rods won from the raffle 🙂
